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Claming our future beyond traditional advocacy.
As the forces of fascism rise, simple human activities like reclaiming charcoal that has been stolen from our communities; forests will require much risk-taking, courage, and organising. The transitioning toward autocracy and governance by billionaire interests (and in many ways, already manifesting these dystopian nightmares), we must think beyond traditional advocacy strategies. Direct action is the most pressing approach to adopt.
What is direct action and why does it matter?
Science, Story, Strategy.
Our hope for thwarting and surviving climate chaos lies at the intersection of science, story, and strategy. Science informs us which major shifts are needed. Story engenders passion and will among people who will make the difference. Political strategy guides us on which levers to pull, and how. The recommendations below — informed by these three aspects of climate struggle — wield enough power to keep planetary warming
A call to dismantle the systems that fuel inequality and environmental destruction.
This Declaration aims to enhance the implementation of climate justice principles and strengthen the global response to climate change by promoting youth-led initiatives and ensuring the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.
A working paper: On young people's inclusion in national follow-up, review and accountability processes
This report explores the ways the United Nations (UN) is supporting young people to engage in participatory decision-making processes and to hold duty bearers in their governments to account. The research report was developed in partnership between ActionAid and the United Nations Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth.
A working paper: On young people's inclusion in national follow-up, review and accountability processes
This report explores the ways the United Nations (UN) is supporting young people to engage in participatory decision-making processes and to hold duty bearers in their governments to account. The research report was developed in partnership between ActionAid and the United Nations Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth.